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sonder / saan·dr / n.

the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own

Sondering is a vibrant network of seekers and growers, in which personal growth blossoms through meaningful connections, collective intention, and shared experiences. We believe in the power of doing the work together, navigating life's ups and downs, celebrating victories, and overcoming challenges as a united community. By hosting community events, Sondering offers safe spaces where you can authentically explore your journey of self-discovery amongst kindred spirits on parallel journeys.


In this community, you're not just a passerby; you're an integral part of a collective commitment to growth, connection, and a fulfilling, shared experience.


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Upcoming Events

We warmly invite you to join us as we gather with the shared intention of exploring opportunities for healing, expansion, and forging meaningful connections. Right now, our main focus at Sondering is creating safe, fun and conducive environments for uncovering the incredible power of mutual support; turning personal growth into a shared reality. Your presence will make the difference—let's embark on this transformative journey together.

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An Experimental Gathering

MAY 3-5, 2024

Gateway Ranch | Flagstaff, AZ

Mosaic is an experimental, not-for-profit gathering for artists, healers, and community builders. Unlike a typical ticketed event, Mosaic is an application-based gathering, built on contributions from participants.


 The Southwest
Flow Festival

SEPTEMBER 20-22, 2024

Gateway Ranch | Flagstaff, AZ

Play, learn, connect! SWFF offers three dynamic nights of live music and awe-inspiring performances, two immersive days of skill-enhancing workshops, wrapped up in one incredible weekend.

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